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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
11:40 AM

A well written piece of work about the whole Tin Tin hoo haa right now:

One comment at the end of article got me thinking.

"The most glaring aspect about her was her sheer immaturity for a 27-year-old".

It's kinda linked to something I wrote sometime back about education and stuff but never really finished it cause it never really turned out the way I wanted it and therefore, it was never published. -.-

I guess, at that point in time, I couldn't really find what I wanted to say either.

And now that comment helped to shape what I really wanted to say.

That after going through 2 decades of education and meeting weirder and weirder people along the way, I think I realised what is bothering me. People are becoming weirder to me only because our views have become increasingly divergent. Not to put myself on a pedetral, but some people are perhaps as immature and self centered now as they were 5, maybe 10 years ago. And maybe back then, it was alright to be immature and self centred. But as some move on, some have stayed exactly where they were.

Maybe I'm the one who's weird. I'm the one who have changed too much. Or maybe I've never even changed at all.

My expectation that people should change (and for the better) over time could very well be the cause of my decreasing tolerance towards people around me.

I'm irritated when people make insensitive comments.
I'm irritated when people go on and on about things that they can't change, or things they can but they won't.

Cause I believe these are things a person of a certain age should not be doing.

So back to Tin Tin.

Yes, she is only 27.

But she is running to represent not just a school or a CCA anymore. She is running to represent us, Singaporeans. And at that age, even if she did not have the capability, it is not something to criticised about since no everyone is made for politics. But I would at least expect her to know her capabilities.

There are people I've met in Uni who've constantly amazed me with their thinking and capabilities and therefore, I am pretty sure age is not an issue.

But like many other people I've met in Uni, Tin Tin is just plain clueless. And clueless people are the worst. In the near future, they are likely to remain where they are now, simply because they do not have a clue that they need to change. Cluelessness comes with immaturity and what antagonises me is that education cannot change that.

Only the stuff that life puts you through can. And Tin Tin doesn't sound like she has gone through much to become the person that Singaporeans need her to be.

But then again, she is a rather good representation of the (unfortunately large) population of clueless people around today. I've once said to someone, that Tin Tin is the typical arts student I would have expected to meet anyday. But who wants to be represented by the typical?

I think I really should put more time into writing which makes me think coherently.

Thursday, April 14, 2011
11:11 PM

My last lecture.
As a full time student.

After about 19 years of studying, I am finally almost done.
Good riddance.

And unlike the many "graduations" I had in the past, from primary school, secondary school and JC, this time I am actually graduating. Away from schools and into the real world.

And unlike the many "graduations" I had in the past, this time I have barely any sense of nostalgia.
Instead of chilling with friends and enjoying our last days as students, I spent the better part of the day rushing reports, presentations and what nots.

And with the end of the semester in sight, the end of my reports don't seem as near.

Don't really have any moving words or precious memories to recount.
But I just thought I should mark this moment down.
It's a milestone that I strangely feel nothing for.

Friday, April 08, 2011
this is it 4:19 PM

I'm nearing the last week of my NUS life.
My life as a full time student.
The last lecture.
The last tutorial.
The last presentation.
The last project.
The last report.
The last exams.
The last.
The last.

I should feel something.
A sense of nostalgia.
A tinge of sadness for what I am about to leave behind.

But I have barely any time to appreciate the magnitude of this moment.
I'm drowning in work.
And yet, this point in time will never come again.

Soon, I'll have the time to feel a rush of relief.
A sense of achievement.
The time where I can probably go "whoa, I made it".

But it will be different.
How do you feel a sense of disbelief that something is ending when it's already over?
That feeling can only be captured now.

Which is why I am writing this now.
To capture a fleeting moment in time, when looking back, I know I would wish I had more time to feel.
Or maybe, abrupt endings could just very well be better than going through the pain of wishing that something will never end.

I'm torn between wishing it will be over soon and wishing it will never end.