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Tuesday, March 15, 2011
end of the world 9:15 PM

Just a very random thought.
All the recent news and hoo-haa over the supposedly end of the world.
I can't really be half-assed bothered to do proper research.
But from really sloppy googling, i gathered it was derived from some biblical sources.

Got me wondering.
Are the christians out there eagerly awaiting their premature death, thereby proving their holy scared book oh-so-right?
Or are they doubting this prediction, thereby doubting their very own faith?

I guess an easy middle ground would be to write this Harold Camping (I don't know if I even remember his name correctly. And still can't really be half-assed bothered to find out) off as a nut job, interpreting the bible in whatever way to suit his motive and purpose.

But then again, doesn't this just prove that holy books are full of human interpretation, with none anymore accurate than the last? Then who is anyone to say who gets to heaven and who rots in hell?

Friday, March 04, 2011
overrated education 11:08 PM

I hate writing papers. Period.

There's just something immensely stiffling about churning out papers about topics that have been written to death and bores me to death.

There must be something I am not getting about academic papers (I am sooooo not academia material) because all I see are people trying to write papers about something new while whining about how other people's papers are oh-so-lacking but end up concluding that their own precious papers are lacking in this and in that and generally not that much more awesome either.

It's kinda like going...


Hey, I've invented this awesome pen that, makes your handwriting wonderfully beautiful no matter how you scratch and scribble! This is like a million times better than all the other pens which only allows you to write and stuff (bleh!).

And to tell you how wonderfully awesome this pen is and also to show how HARD I've worked at making it come true, I shall cite a million reasons why other pens suck and of course I'll go into excruciating details that most of you won't understand or even read anyway. And of course there will be technical details like the chemical composition of ink, the effect that gravity has on ink flow, the pressure and movement exerted by the user and shit.

And if you actually reached the conclusion (or skipped to it, more likely), I will humbly tell you that hey, my pen has its downsides too. It only comes in one colour - faint, pale, can't be seen yellow and can only be used when the temperature is a cooling 17.7 degrees, +/- 1 degree. Its effectiveness at making your handwriting beautiful? Well, the pen was only tested on a group of 5 individuals with pretty awesome handwriting to begin with, so results may not be applicable to all.

In conclusion, I'll recommend that more research be done in this area, and perhaps the issue can just be resolved by replacing writing with typing. But as of right now, the existing pens (which I said are crappy earlier) are probably sufficient and my new pen is awesome if anyone ever wants to write in yellow.


Yea I know that if the whole world thinks like me, any form of knowledge or discovery or valuable stuff like that will cease to exist. I guess my point is that reviewing/writing papers is an extremely painful process that's not everyone's cup of tea. It's sincerely a waste of my time. And my life.


Papers, reports.... I don't even know what is college doing for me anymore. Or what it has done.

Aimless. Unmotivated. Now I know why Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of colleg.e

Wednesday, March 02, 2011
12:58 AM

I know you need me and I think you may even love me, but you don't care about me.

-Cuddy to House

I think I finally understand now.