
honey, everyone does.

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ABOUT {what i've}

LINKS {been looking for}

TAG {all this time}

bold italic underline link

Monday, August 31, 2009
1:15 AM

When life throws a bitch at you, slap her.


It's time to put our feet down.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
10:35 PM

Isn't it supposed to be all accepting?
Isn't it supposed to be unconditional?

So angsty.

I promise to do better.

Battlefield - Jordin Sparks

And what is wrong with blogger! The interface is all screwed up. Or is it just me. Again.

Fate really doesn't like me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
10:53 PM

Oh I haven blogged about my trip Japan at all. After the travel journal, I am really sapped of all motivation to write about it. At least my memories are somewhat captured in the journal, though its more academic oriented. Better than nothing right? Maybe someday I will extract things to this blog. But looking at my track record, that seems highly unlikely.

And I have grown kinda tired of answering the "what-was-Japans" and "was-it-fun!s" I KNOW it's people way of showing concern but I have to repeat the same things over and over again! Or it does not do justice to the people who hear about it later. By which I would get so tired even the interesting things sound boring and then I start to think the trip was boring. But I try my best. Yea I KNOW it's people way of showing concern. And I think I suck.

Oh well. Forgive me!

In short, I think Japan is a very good place to lose yourself in. It's so different from other countries that it's like a different universe. Everything is so over the top and everyone is speaking a language you do not understand. Makes me feel like wanting to watch Lost in Translation all over again (very random I know).

I seem to like places where I can get away from reality. Where I can lose myself in. Wonder what it is I am trying so hard to lose.

Don't Forget- Demi Lovato

it's the attitude 10:50 PM

It's only the first day of school.

But I think I have managed to transcend this entire situation (? not really the word I would use but the right word eludes me now...)

A sense of accomplishment.

I hope it lasts.

Monday, August 10, 2009
1:07 AM

I realised that I didn't want to think about the what-could-have-been.

And I finally know what I have to do.

Friday, August 07, 2009
12:24 AM

How can I expect you to know the things I do not say?

Rationality has abandoned me.

My mood's been fluctuating (from barely surviving to morbidly depressing).

I do not like this.

Everyday we are drowning in the words we do not say to each other.

Thursday, August 06, 2009
3:40 PM

I found myself counting.

Counting down.

1 more day to the end of my internship.

2 more days to my assignment deadlines.

4 more days to the start of school.

Counting down.

Does everything have its expiry date?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009
6:47 PM

Do you know what it feels like when you realise that the very instance which you found what you have been looking for all these time is also the very instance where you are going to lose it?

It's freaking scary.