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Friday, October 22, 2010
4:14 PM

There are just some damn days I want to hide away from the world.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dee for dreadful 11:09 PM


1. Talking and fighting deer from Narnia
2. Bad hair from Star Wars
3. Scarecrow induced hallucinations from Batman Begins
4. Backdrops from LOTR
5. Cockroach-like bugs from The Mummy / Fear Factor
6. Albino man from The Da Vinci Code
7. Overlooking city scene from Spiderman
8. Plot from Sherlock Holmes
9. Crazy hair from The Bride with White Hair
10. Gazillion arrows from Heroes

Put all these together and you more or less get Detective Dee And The Mystery of the Phantom Flame.

An accurate summary is probably that it turns out not to be the epic (or at least halfway decent) olden day chinese film I had expected, but rather, a parody of the above mentioned films worthy of Disaster Movie.

I switched off the TV after 5 minutes of Disaster Movie because, well, life was too short.

The only reason why I sat through 2 hours (YES, 2 hours), even after the talking deer's appearance at 15 minute, was that I paid $7.50 for the sad excuse of a show.

Maybe I shouldn't have wasted my money AND time.

If people thought that Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen was bad... they haven't seen anything yet...

Monday, October 11, 2010
The Smiths 10:30 AM

Will: Why are you always smiling?

Grandma: Cause I've a purpose.

Will: What's that?

Grandma: To make everything I touch better.

*pokes Will*

Grandma: See? All better.

Greatness stands at the edge of destruction.

Friday, October 08, 2010
put your hands up 2:08 PM

Haven had time to write anything here for some time now.

There's just so many things to do and I am slowly wearing thin.

So many things I want to do but so little time to give each task the time they deserve.

Seems weird to talk about tasks as though they are people, but I guess all tasks involve people. And I don't have time for all these people.

I am tired of talking, thinking, doing and never having some.. answers.

I ask, I wonder, I talk, I question. But there are never any answers.

Why people act they way they do. Why things happen the way they did.

Is it me? Is it them? Is it us?

Do I change the world?

Or do I change myself?

Which is easier?

Is asking that even the right question?

Sometimes I don't even feel like talking.

Because there are no answers.

Because noone's asking the right questions.

Everyone dreams of changing the world, but noone dreams of changing themselves.