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Monday, January 24, 2011
i came, i saw, i conquered 8:04 AM

Now that I conquered Mount Kinabalu,
I can tell myself that when it gets down to it, I can do anything. (:

So go away fears, insecurities and worries,
even a mountain can't beat me =P

(ya I know it's not Mount Everest... but still... highest peak in SEA ok!)

Sunday, January 09, 2011
1:04 AM

Continuing in the spirit of my last post, if everything falls into place as it is in my head now, I should complete also these this year:

1. Take horse riding lessons
2. Conquer Mount Kinabalu
3. Join some 10km run
4. Tour USA
5. Volunteer at Salvation Army (something totally random which I thought of one afternoon on a bus)

Tuesday, January 04, 2011
revelation 1:01 PM


Should I MUG like mad for my last sem (even if doing so (most likely) won't guarantee a first class)..


Just do all the stuff I wanted to do in NUS but never got around to doing?

1. Kayaking
2. Diving
3. Muay Thai
4. Trek/hike/ some overseas outdoor thingy

Now that I list it like this, the answer seems pretty clear.

Afterall, if the world ends in 2012, who will care about some lousy cert right?

Sunday, January 02, 2011
new year resolutions 11:10 AM

I have already failed at one of them, but I should jot them down for the hell of it:

1. Procrastinate less
2. Be nicer to people
3. Tear my walls down