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Monday, May 31, 2010
May 2010 (Part 3) 10:04 PM

29 May

Meet the strangest cleaning lady today.

I was happily eating popeye's and JUST finished my chicken when this cleaning lady rushes out of nowhere and starts to pick up the rubbish on the table (i.e. chilli packets etc) profusely.

This was sort of random and I was thinking "ehhhhh.... I'm still eating... why so gan jiong" But since she so enthusiastic about it, I picked up the serviettes and dumped it into the plate thingy that the chicken came in. She then picked out the serviettes, left the plate and walked away.


So we resumed eating. And I reaslised she apparently went straight back to the staff area.

Which means..

She came out of the staff area, rushed to our table (which was furthest away from the staff area), cleared our table when we were not exactly near done, ignored every other table which needs cleaning, and returned to the room.


After a couple of minutes, she apparently changed her mind and realised I meant for her to remove the plate. So she appeared suddely again, took my plate, wiped the table at random spots, tsk-tsk-ed and walked away. But not before waving some unused serviettes in our faces, gesturing to ask if we still wanted them. We did and she put them down.


Soon, she came back again and proceed to take the serviettes away.

Some people are really strange. But I was highly amused.

Sidenote:Popeye's chicken is starting to become like KFC's )':

Friday, May 28, 2010
May 2010 (Part 2) 5:01 PM

25 May
Caught Shrek with HY. I used to avoid catching cartoons in cinemas (along with local productions... like waste money MA) but nowadays cartoons are getting better and better! And Shrek has always been a favourite of mine. <3 it. I remember writing about how Kungfu Panda had ha-ha moments for kids and for adults, and for Shrek I guess it mostly ha-ha for adults. There were more spoofs in this final (?) installation and I just love the ridiculous-ness of it all.

"Why is it that the only person who can't see what you have is you?" - Fiona to Shrek

Maybe sometimes it's not about having what you love, but loving what you have.

*serious moment*

Moving on!

27 May
Visited the Cascadia and Waterbank showflats. Amazing please. Time to find a wealthy husband.

I am seriously considering a job in model sculpturing (if that's the term for it). You know those models you see in showrooms, a miniature version of the actual houses and stuff? YES, I want to make those.

FINALLLLLYYYYYY caught Ironman 2 with Yan. People at this point in time have either caught it or didn't and yet somehow utterly convinced it's not good cause "my friends say one". Maybe my expectations naturally got lowered or I just have a weakness for certain charismatic leading men (ruggard, often 40-ish, wicked sense of humour) but it wasn't all that bad! Sure, some (read: final) fight scenes were blink blast-and-it's over but hey, the movie had enough fight scenes so culmulatively, it's not that bad.

My co-workers are seriously starting to get on my nerves. *chants to self* "Do not discriminate childish people... Do not discriminate childish people..."

Sidenote: My horse riding dreams are galloping away. The next free slots are in Dec ))):

Sunday, May 23, 2010
it's the climb 1:23 PM

Completed my first vertical marathon with yan!

No idea how long I took.
But I do feel a sense of accomplishment.
Now I know why people keep joining marathons.
I think I am getting addicted.

Shall aim to be like that super uber fit and scary looking group of women right behind us.
Overtook us in about 10 storeys =S

I <3 the finisher medal.

The Climb - Miley Cyrus

Saturday, May 22, 2010
May 2010 9:13 PM

Note to self: I should really jot down my life more often.

30 April
Exams ended!
Rotted at NTU forever and cleared a million emails in the process.
Ate cheesy pizza with HY until we literally almost exploded.

1-5 May
Recce trip to Laos immediately after exams.
Realised Ivy is probably one of the few rare people who sees the world in a way very similar to me.
Found some potential sites for YEP.
But sometimes, I do feel so small, and everything I do seem so little.
And things are never, ever going to be in our control.
Met an American, Scott, who made for an engaging morning chat. Kind of interesting to start chatting to random people. Now and then, I feel like doing that more often but never really know how to get about doing that (like how do you find a conversation starter? What if the person stares at your strangely? What if you run out of things to say???).
On a sidenote, I don't understand those ang moh who go overseas, then hide in an ang moh-ish cafe and start surfing facebook. HELLO? You travelled those miles to surf facebook? Nice.
And I realised that some guys probably will never become the men they ought to be.

5-9 May
Holiday to Hanoi, Vietnam.
I seriously had no idea where we were going and what we were going to do there. Probably the second time I travelled this way (first was to Bintan).
Went to Halong Bay on a small cruise and hiked some mountain (or maybe its a hill). Wandered the streets at night and managed to visit a night market. Cheap food! The roads are crazily flooded with bikes. It's like a dirt bike race!
Met some interesting people on the trip. An Aussie couple, a bunch of typical ang moh teenagers (though Kishan didn't seem too bad to talk to), a cute Spanish couple and some others in between.
Found that places like Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are starting to look the same to me. They are blurring into one and it makes me sad.

10 May
Internship starts. At Investor Relations and Research with an NTU year 2 Biz intern, Cherie.
Our buddies treated us to lunch. My first lunch at work is much less sadder than my previous year's.
First meeting for BCA compeition. We branded ourselves as Green Wednesday. Dinner-ed at NYDC and everyone manage to get along (I think).

12 May
Caught a glimpse of the date on the MRT screen and got a dreaded reminder. Couldn't get the date and what it means meant out of my head the ENTIRE day. Meet up with MY for a dinner at Cafe Cartel and almost exploded from the food again. But that didn't stop us from attemting to get more bread all the time.

14 May
Went for Bloomberg course. It's amazing. EVERYTHING can be found. I know. I've tried searching for Johnny Depp (AND IT WORKS) *blushes*

15 May
Finally met up with SSR during the hols. Don't know why we can be friends for so long but only ever meet each other in school. And if not in school, then it's to study. Sound so hardworking. Haha. Maybe we're just sick of each other already.
Lunched at (New York)^2 where SSR happily left me to drown in the HUGE ass toast.
Went to arcade to shoot monsters, throw balls (tragic FAIL), spot the differences and shoot dinosaurs and then more monsters. Arms got horribly tired. I can't imagine how I used to play these as a kid. I must have had some freaking strong arms last time. Exchanged the coupons from tragic FAIL game for primary school cuttlefish which is still rotting on my dining table.
<3 SSR for her chocolates. (SSR: and I finally found some games I am not cui compared to you =D)

16-17 May
Spent an entire day building a S bridge out of some cui wood in school. On a Sunday. Read: NO life. One whole day of glue sniffing, no lunching, late dinner-ing and MISSED the SJ prawning! And NO, our bridge CMI.
But I did get a day off (((:

18 May
Ironman 2-outing-turned-dinner-at-Soup Spoon with Janice. Note to self: EAT LESS.
Talked rubbish and stoned. Work is making me dull. I find 9pm++ so late and just can't wait to go home and sleep.
At some point in time, I feel interrogated by her. I wonder if I do that to people =S

19 May
Green Wednesday 2! People are suaning each other already :)

HPs are always forgotten when they are needed most.
Without my phone, I suddenly am aware of how much people depend on that little gadget. And how much time they spent clicking away on it.
What's the point of "staying connected" when people cannot even connect with the people right beside them anymore?
I heard in France, it's considered rude to use your phone when you have company (I don't know if that still applies today..). I kinda wish such social norm exist in S'pore.
Checking emails overseas, playing games all day long, what happened to the here and now? What's the point of being with someone when you're not actually BEING with that someone?

Decided that a man should not be defined by his age. I believed I just met a 30 year old boy.

21 May
TGIF! Caught the Axis of Awesome with Yan. It was ... AWESOME. A small scale event and it's a refreshing change to the big ass concerts in big ass halls where you can barely see the person you're there for. Had my first autograph signing thanks to my bro (who also made me buy the cd).
We were queuing behind a huge group of young adults who were excitedly taking photos and autographs. But it seemed more like a "fun thing to do" for them, rather than actually wanting those autographs. Somehow I felt like they have forgotten that this band is made up of people too. They were laughing, joking, taking pictures, getting autographs and then leaving. No words to the band, no appreciation, no praise.
"Great show, guys" was all that was needed to get eye contact and smiles from all 3.
They are awesome, but sometimes, people forget they are human too.

22 May
Woke up at 11am for a 12pm outing. Ate at HK Cafe and finally found something nice from their menu =X
PS: Their mango dessert is hypothermia inducing.
As we get older, outings become increasingly simple.
It used to be hours of brainwrecking to find an activity to do.
But now, a meal is enough.
Good company is what we should wreck our brains for.

Random thought:
Out of the million of poeple rushing to work each day, how many actually look forward to reaching their destination?
And if everyone decides to only do what they love, will the world as we know it cease to exist?

Saturday, May 01, 2010
more to do 12:09 AM

11. Put something down.
12. Explore Saturday dining options.
13. Get off the virtual world and live in the real.